Gilmore Girls S04E18

The seemingly esteemed Richard Gilmore is portrayed in this episode as a reckless and egocentric character. His decision to go into business with Jason, the son of his ex-employer, using his own pension as collateral, is troubling

Gilmore Girls S04E18

The seemingly esteemed Richard Gilmore is portrayed in this episode as a reckless and egocentric character. His decision to go into business with Jason, the son of his ex-employer, using his own pension as collateral, is troubling. Richard’s judgment is further questionable given Floyd Stiles’ reputation as manipulative and devoid of ethics. Floyd’s theatrical statement, “It's life and death, what we do. It's a new drama every day -- almost Shakespearean,” rings hollow, considering he operates in the insurance business.

The episode cleverly uses golf as a backdrop to the drama, highlighting the deceptive tranquility before the storm. Richard's naivety regarding Floyd's motives for a social dinner unravels into an explosive revelation: Floyd is suing Richard and Jason. The cunning plan laid by Floyd, involving a private investigator, a non-compete agreement, and revelations of Jason and Lorelai's secret relationship, shatters the image of the competent Richard.

In a desperate bid to salvage his dignity, Richard discards loyalty and compassion, betraying Jason, who genuinely wanted to make amends. By the episode’s conclusion, Richard aligns himself back with Floyd, showing an unapologetic and savage side. The underbelly of the insurance business and Richard’s own character are starkly exposed.

Rory’s Disheartening Transformation

Parallel to Richard’s downfall, Rory’s storyline reveals a descent into judgmental and unsympathetic behavior. Lorelai and Sookie’s gift of a bookshelf for Rory culminates in an encounter with Dean, Rory’s ex-boyfriend. He mentions his decision to take a break from school for financial reasons, which prompts a disdainful response from Rory. She berates him for taking up construction work and not pursuing higher education.

Rory’s narrow-minded perspective on success is highlighted in her interactions with Lane. While Lane’s circumstances differ, Rory fails to see the diversity in paths to success and fulfillment. Her incessant complaints about Dean’s choices, however, come to a head when Lindsay, Dean’s wife, overhears them. Rory’s derogatory remarks, particularly about Lindsay’s supposed lack of contribution, display a lack of empathy and understanding.

What unfolds next adds to Rory’s character decline. Despite Lindsay’s reasonable request for Dean to maintain distance from Rory, Dean adamantly continues his involvement with Rory. This development is discomforting and paints both Rory and Dean in an unflattering light. The likable, innocent Rory from previous episodes is replaced by a judgmental and insensitive character.

Concluding Thoughts

In this pivotal episode, “Richard and Rory Have Declined,” Gilmore Girls showcases the multifaceted nature of human beings. Not all character development is virtuous; people can, at times, make poor decisions or show sides of themselves that are less commendable. Richard’s reckless business decisions and betrayal, coupled with Rory’s insensitive and judgmental demeanor, serve as a reminder that characters, much like real individuals, are complex and fallible. The episode urges the audience to reexamine the characters they thought they knew and consider the deeper layers that constitute human nature.